Thursday, August 28, 2014


grey matter in black smoke
lungs are no longer bespoke
ultramarine conceals the observer's eye
egg tempera without the yolk

©2014 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved. 

over at d'Verse we're writing Ruba’i and Rubáiyá while focusing on three rules:

- Rhyme-scheme AABA
- All lines approximately the same length
- The last line in the quatrain summarize the other three

click here to follow Glass Staircase

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Empty Passenger Seats

The roads stretch from
white moon to black sun

over a span of two weeks
everyone starts to look
like paper cutouts
barefoot on the sidewalk

even sadism seems sane
as I watch poets photograph
words as they speak

Searching for anonymity:
the comfort of exposure
in search of unconditional desire;
nudity, like the mind of a sociopath

©2014 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved. 
Don't be gone for too long... bring that awaiting comfort home to d'Verse 

click here to follow Glass Staircase