(This piece is meant to be heard, not read--please watch the video.)
What keeps you alive will eventually
Kill you like a pack of Marlboro Reds
To kill the constant leak of yesterday's stress Music is my savior so it's like cancer to a fucking asshole
Who never appreciated a day in his life, until remission
Then joy became his mission
When I close my eyes I'm surrounded by Van Gogh
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words
So I'll forever search for synonyms
To influence my metaphor and mannerisms
Sometimes I'd rather mask it in a hoodie
Of street colloquialisms but appropriation
Has hit its all time high since
The beginning of colored people time
So I really shouldn't give a fuck
If y'all can't relate, then you renovate
And suddenly you become the leader
Of the new school
But I'm the one that's late
Like I missed my cue on the music of life
And told critics the piece was meant to be
Slightly ambiguous (a lie as one dimensional
As a pyromaniac's interests)
Hip-Hop inspires me so much you'd swear
I wanna be a rapper
But I'm just a writer trying to walk that fine line
Between lyricism and poetics.
©2014 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved.
We're Under the Influence of Music @ d'Verse...
enjoyed the video man...seeing and hearing you...
and i can def see the hip hop influence on your lyrics...
nice rhythm and cadence in your performance...
i like how you draw in smoking and use it to accentuate your first truth, if we renovate our thinking we can relate, in some small way, cause we all human at the tap root, but we got to get our fingers dirty to find it...smiles.
just finished mine, it will be up in the morning...
Some good lines in this poem, Anthony. I especially like 'what keeps you alive will eventually kill you.' I can think of a lot of instances where that might be true. And as for hip hop,well I could see you doing that. You have a great voice. And really music is such an important part of life!
Anthony, we are drawn into your poem right from the beginning and there is certainly a good beat to your words. However what I like best is the ending: "But I'm just a writer trying to walk that fine line / Between lyricism and poetics."
The first line really pulls you in.. the metaphor of what keeps you alive will eventually kill you works wonder for me.. I agree that you should listen to it.. works even better that way. And that fine line between poetics and lyricism (or maybe politics) a line we all wander Anthony.. but sometimes falling might be a good thing ...
I loved hearing you recite this Anthony. It's a passionate poem, a statement of who you are - a POET. You have some great lines in this poem. I like the allusion to the cancer victim finally appreciating life.
You thank us if we've ever been moved by one of your poems, yet it is we who should thank you.
really awesome to hear and see you read it...ha...rhythm pure...i LOVE it
Performance poetry - you are made for it! I used to be sceptical of it, but am now convinced of its power.
We are truly brothers of the poetica, Antony. I believe that any poem deserves to be performed, which morphs it to Art; read the words, then listen to the author read it to you, then listen & read the poem at the same time, total Vibe; great prompt, cool rendering, strong message.
I think we all walk that line--I am at school right now with no access to the video--shame--this begs to be spoken!
Your poem has every element of hip hop built in it, smiles. Thanks for the lovely prompt. Happy tuesday.
A great delivery of a fine poem, Anthony. It has such guts!
As of this moment there are 16 cuts on this disc. Anthony, yours is the first cut that I am hearing, that I am reading and A Capella Lyricism is setting the tone for the poems that I read next...the cuts that are to follow.
I can see and hear all the passion in your words Anthony ~ This is a fine poem and I can very much relate to walking that fine line between lyricism and poetics ~ Thanks for the lovely prompt ~
Hey Anthony! Thanks for tending the bar and spinning out the poetics. Great job with the lyrics!
Well, I loved that you close your eyes and are surrounded by Van Gogh..great hearing you and, yes, hip hop and poetry are right there together at an all time high for those who listen and need to listen.
"Music is my savior so it's like cancer to a fucking asshole
Who never appreciated a day in his life, until remission
Then joy became his mission"
This is my favorite line here..as music is definitely a joy as part of my mission in life too.. that leadS me on.. with me..2in cooperative rhythmATTICk effort.. to keep the juices of life..FULLY FLOWING!..:)2..:)
poetry becomes new in the young generation - I'm a fan of rap ( when it's not especially profane ) but it's something I don't think I could write - that rhythm isn't in me but I appreciate it. Nice, the pause and the cadence makes all the difference in the spoken vs the read.
Good to see and hear you, Anthony. You have surely "got rhythm"!
Great to see someone putting so much emotion in their words.
Powerfully profound.
really sensed your passion in this piece
I could really feel the fine line you were balancing on...sometimes I thought...just jump in, Anthony. Loved the intensity.
So cool to hear this - loved 'Like I missed my cue on the music of life
And told critics the piece was meant to be
Slightly ambiguous (a lie as one dimensional
As a pyromaniac's interests) '
your passion vibrates through your words on the page and especially your reading, Anthony. i would say that, rather than needing to walk that fine line
between lyricism and poetics, you blend them into something more. i enjoyed it so much that i watched the video twice and read the poem three times ~ each time something else jumped out at me. brilliantly done!
Ha...your video was great... Loved it !
I really like the flow of this, and the video is very cool touch.
I like the ending. I've never understand what the difference between lyricism and poetics is. A good rapper is a good poet and a good poet, like your self, is or could be a good rapper.
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