Monday, October 6, 2014

The Significance we Miss

Comfort in your own skin
love that only comes from within
yet, a lot of us are searching
not knowing where to begin
instead of analyzing flaws
appreciate the beauty in anomalies
like the pastel pebbles that line sidewalks
and cradle blades of grass.

Dodging blessings we think we don't deserve
like a native's refusal to do the rain dance
in the middle of a drought.

Beyond the aggravating rituals
I learned to love,
how you carry yourself
is peace brought into existence
amidst the world's chaos
like a drink of clean water.

©2014 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved.

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Brian Miller said...

how to carry yourself is line as it changes meanings a bit in how you read it...there comes a point we stop accepting blessings because we dont believe we deserve them...becoming comfortable with is a journey...and learning to love ourselves...well that opens the door to other loves....

Claudia said...

i like the image there in the middle a lot of the native who refuses to do the raindance though that probably would bring the big change... often we act like him and don't do what seems logical - and learning to love ourselves is certainly a big key here as well...

brudberg said...

To appreciate the beauty in anomalies.. so very very true..we need to love those little details.. looking for flaws seldom brings happiness.

Myrna R. said...

Peace brought into existence, that's a wonderful little/big task for all of us. I love this Anthony.

Mary said...

I like the idea of appreciating beauty in anomalies. When we really look at those pastel petals, it can brighten our day.

Glenn Buttkus said...

You are growing in quantum leaps as a poet, brother; less the angry voice mired in the Hood, more the poetic eye, & sensitivities; really enjoyed this one; & I must say these observances of yours are painfully bang on for too many, & learning to appreciate the beauty of so many events first perceived as tragedies is a life long chore. I am still, after 19 years, trying to own my disabilities, & thank the autoimmune processes that have slowed me down & put my ear to the rail, my eyes on the meteor showers.

Marina Sofia said...

Grace under pressure and the beauty of the slightly flawed (or even more than slightly...). I love the Japanese idea that pottery with a slight flaw is even more precious than the one that is entirely perfect ... and bland. A meditative, gentle poem, quite unlike some of your other offerings. I like it a lot!

ayala said...

Dodging blessings we think we don't deserve ...we do it because we sabotage ourselves thinking and fearing that we don't deserve them ...I love these you carry yourself
is peace brought into existence

Anonymous said...

Groovy piece. Loved- "Dodging blessings we think we don't deserve"

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to learn to love 'beyond the aggravating rituals'.

Kathy Reed said...

Fitting title, great poetry! I love finding the pastel pebbles among the grays, blacks, browns...and cradle blades of grass (for dew drops or rain? or a bug)..I found the rain dance interesting (politics)....a very sensitive write, Anthony.

Katie Mia Frederick said...

"Comfort in your own skin
love that only comes from within"

Truly the medicine to end so much suffering...but

to look outside after forgetting inside..

is truly lost..

but hope IS TRUE...IN
H ope
O f
P ain
E nding..:)

And to begin.. the first step..

is within...:)

vb holmes said...

Keen observation in your comments, Anthony. A provocative piece.

Joseph Hesch said...

Last two lines...word! Sorry for my absence man. Life has been eating away at the good of me. I've missed your observation and art in presenting it.

Mark Butkus said...

"like the pastel pebbles that line sidewalks
and cradle blades of grass"
Beautiful word use here, words and images typically forgotten outside of childhood.

Grace said...

I love the ending ~ To find peace in our own skin will take a lifetime of a journey ~

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of the old saw - to refuse praise is to seek praise twice - It's OK to be comfortable with our successes.

Sreeja said...

oh such a cool way..... loved this...

Carrie Van Horn said...

From the title to the last deep line this is glorious and true Anthony!!

Anonymous said...

I love the line "how you carry yourself is peace brought into existence". These little mannerisms, as meaningless as they may seem, can bring us joy and love. It would be very interesting to see a native refuse to do a rain dance in the middle of a drought. I would like to see that. Love the analogy.

Heidi said...

i like how this came from Marina's prompt and the idea that self-acceptance could be a thing that you could glimpse in the corner of your eye, making it almost easily attainable. How sad when it is elusive. And even sadder when self-sabotage is what keeps it away. awesome poem.

Anonymous said...

There are many lovely images here, and the general idea is really wonderful--of a kind of self-aware self-respect (to me). Well done, Anthony. k.