Monday, November 24, 2014

Dreams of Limpopo

Baobab create gaps in the sky for light
to shine on a palate expanded by love
among the bushes that grew tongues
only a select few weren't afraid to pick
instead of wild berries
I asked the man, “where is your heart?”
as I waited for an explanation
I daydreamed about the old times
wrestling pigs and killing alligators
with my bare hands
unaware that the heart is to be
connected to the tongue
so a clear understanding
is needed before any emotion
is to leave the body
the silence was like a conversation
among the dead rose petals
thrown at whoever left him so speechless...

As we walked through rivers of
monkey apple pulp and crowds
of women collecting the life juice
as babies grasp the edge of mother's
paiute water basket. Everyone has little
to no pigment in their eyes, so a peek
into their window glistens as the children
drink pulp that harbors more protein
than breast milk like the starving youth
that only exist when I awaken...

©2014 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved.
Take a dive into another world, for Poetics

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Claudia said...

it's the part with the heart that grabs me most here... and also the connection to the tongue and to everything actually that we say and do... looking forward to the prompt.. have mine written and ready to go by tomorrow morning... smiles

Mary said...

That is quite an imaginative scene you have created. I was especially struck by the 'conversation among the dead rose petals.' An interesting prompt. I will get busy. Smiles.

Gabriella said...

You have described a very vivid and somewhat disturbing dream. The kind of dream we are glad to wake from and that still haunts us during the day.

brudberg said...

To me this could work not just a rather disturbing dream but as an extended metaphor for starvation and sadness. Especially the babies drinking pulp instead of breast-milk struck a chord with me.

Brian Miller said...

if we had clear understanding before letting out emotions let loose....we might be a bit further ahead in the game...the shortest distance is from the head to the heart....though often it is the longest walk...i like the feel of myth that comes in reading this anthony....

Anonymous said...

That heart to tongue connection is so true as evidenced by the words that we speak in the "spur of the moment", when we don't take the time to self-filter. Really like the line about the silence being a conversation.

Anonymous said...

Some great imagery here ...bushes growing tongues, tongues connected to heart (particularly powerful line) and love the restraint placed on emotion. Excellent piece

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Yes, as Brian says, for me what spoke most strongly is the feeling of myth your poem is imbued with - the wisdom of the old ones, who teach that our feelings must be congruent with our speech.......the babies drinking pulp, spoke strongly to me, too, as does the waking to the starving youth, of which this world has far too many millions. A really astounding piece of work, Anthony. Wow!!!!!

Glenn Buttkus said...

Even though you seem to have fun with this one, A. it has sharp edges, & emotional thorns; so very strong in its abstract stirring. Nice illustration of your prompt. Mine was all fun, with little message.

Anonymous said...

Some strong deep connections here Tony, I love the setting of the Limpopo river. The idea that the tongue needs to be connected to your heart is really superb. There is something very alive about this poem, and each time I read it something new, subtle, but deep pops out at me.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! wow!!! this writing of yours hit me in the heart and my mind.

Powerful vision that you possess.

What inspired you to write this piece. Beautifully written my friend.

P.S This is charlie zero

ayala said...

I love this ! Great lines !

Anonymous said...

Wow...just loved the silence was like a conversation among dead rose petals... Beautiful writing!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

wrestling pigs and killing alligators with your bare hands! Oh my. Oh, The places we go...

Katie Mia Frederick said...

Sounds like the dream of the primitive peoples alive in balance of nature.. living free with what is.. with never a care but living in abidance and free..and as you say.. with never a starving child alive..

until one wakes from the dream of abundance..

that truly we do live now.. for those who see as much as they have..:)

Cressida de Nova said...

The Limpopo river and fever trees...killing alligators and wrestling pigs.....just another day at the office.:)

vivinfrance said...

Long time no see. If the heart were connected to the tongue, there would be no more weasel words from politicians. I'm all for it!

Anonymous said...

I love the babies who '...grasp the edge of mother's / paiute water basket' - wonderful

Prajakta said...

This is elemental and raw, albeit a little dark. Nicely done!

Kathryn Dyche said...

Love the heart connected to the tongue . . . powerful imagery.

Sabio Lantz said...

Trippy ! With imagery that was dark and exciting.

Wolfsrosebud said...

some good visuals here... send some of that juice to third-world nations... wouldn't that be sweet

kaykuala said...

as the children
drink pulp that harbors more protein
than breast milk like the starving youth
that only exist when I awaken...

Great ending Anthony putting a finality to it. Love the freedom to go many directions on this prompt without fear of treading on anything at all!
