Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Holy Ghostwriter

if these words could uplift
themselves from the page
they would praise you
like a pastor on his knees 

for dverse

click here to follow Glass Staircase


brudberg said...

I love the thought of words escaping the page and become so important as that prayer.. Just the thought made them lift actually.

Mary said...

Your words are a very effective metaphor. The words would thus be high praise, I think!

X said...

I used to read a guy that called himself the Holy Ghost Writer.
Intriguing write - several thoughts. It is an interesting contrast between th ewords lifted up, as we go down to our knees. And out words can be lifted up
but cant do that theyselves. Tight little write Anthony.

Glenn Buttkus said...

Tight write, indeed, brother-man. For I believe our poetics all have a spiritual side to them. But, damn, the pastor on his knees took me to SC, & the church massacre today; at least they apprehended the insane fuck.

Grace said...

I admire the imagery of a pastor on his much meaning in your short verses ~

Unknown said...

What a wonderful twist at the end--"like a pastor on his knees" because it calls to mind the opposite of Holy Orders and sins cleansed from a soul.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Such depth in such short verse!

Unknown said...

Excellent tight poem. After your discussion for future events, this is almost like a prologue to those words. Your talents are so varied and so very true. said...

Love this. Says so much with so few words. Peace, Linda

Tameka said...

Compact and concise, but loaded with emotion and meaning. Yes!

kaykuala said...

The 'pastor on his knees' gets a picture of challenges to the church as against vagaries of modern living


Gabriella said...

Although I am sure you wrote this poem before the event, your words and image are particularly powerful in the wake of the Charleston massacre.

Wolfsrosebud said...

how careful we need to be with those words... nice comparison

Thotpurge said...

Intriguing words.. powerful in their brevity.

Anonymous said...

I just exhaled a fulfilling sigh of relief, seeing that your poem was only 4 lines long. Most poets who are bold enough to write tiny poems are usually the ones who are capable of slapping me in the face. Incidentally, I like being slapped.

You did not let me down.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Fantastic, if only words could lift up off the page - but they do lift the heart.

ayala said...


Katie Mia Frederick said...

Ah.. the sacred purpose of poetry
to make sign language of paper
organic.. the words become
emotions.. the emotions
become flesh..
the flesh
in the

Marina Sofia said...

Tempting though it is to read this in a political way (although it may be coincidence), I prefer to go down the love route here. A real statement of passion.

kelvin s.m. said...

This, to me, sounds rather political or it may just be timely at my end of the world who is one to anticipate the falling of, again, too many fabricated words soon. Tight li'l piece!

insidetheclock said...

Ghostwriter or ghost poem? The words leapt up at me like Casper. Nice and simple. I love the aftertaste the last line leaves to the whole piece, makes it bigger than it really is, if that makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, this is so nice, Anthony!

Claudia said...

words indeed can be the most powerful blessing

Unknown said...

Very soft and personal moment..

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous -----

Anonymous said...

sometimes we never say so finely as we write.

Vinay Leo R. said...

short, but quite evoking :) Loved it.

C.C. said...

Absolute divine perfection...from the title, through the word choices right down to the pastor on his knees.

Unknown said...

I'm a huge fan of brevity in poetry, and this is executed wonderfully. Huge impact. Thanks for sharing!

grapeling said...

excellent conceit ~

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of energy packed into this, producing a very powerful punch. Easy to imagine the words lifting off the page.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! Really deep and packed with energy and strong words my friend.


You bring the world so much hope.

P.S If you ever get a chance stop by my page and read my latest poem.
I know you will like it. It's called: You’re Stupidity Spills out Diseased Excuses

I make lots of sense for the first time. I promise you will like it.