Tuesday, November 22, 2011


bloodied knees from travels on all fours
I've come to realize fucked up flesh 
is a blessing in disguise 
like a red wattle pig hung from the highest cross 
chicken heads praise the sacrifice 
while admiring a last glimpse at their own bodies 
their final breath is cemented with breasts 
as full as quarter moons 
overfed stomachs 
spines misshapen 
dicks too small to properly satisfy 
these walls that make 
the rolls of fat on the back of a woman's neck 
engorged like foie gras ready to be eaten 
by the next soul who speaks gibberish like the born deaf 
who begs to speak our language but instead left to self
no man's land is thy island
slowly being taken like a doula's hand in water
soothing a new mother 
giving birth to a devil child 

for OLN @dVersePoets

©2011 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved.

click here to follow Glass Staircase


Brian Miller said...

viceral imagery dude...the rolls of fat on the neck...ack...fav lines...

by the next soul who speaks gibberish like the born deaf
who begs to speak our language but instead left to self
no man's land is thy island

Dulçe ♥ said...

What is with you and these symbols of the evil kinda 'African' pagan stuff!

That evil child hopefully will reckon there is some goodness out there, somewhere- otherwise...what a waste
No wate your poetry, man!

great one piece.

Beachanny said...

An overstuffed Thanksgiving poem. Full of the fat of the land. Descrying the needs of those who are suffering. Protest couched in new symbols. Well done!

mrs mediocrity said...

yes, visceral is exactly the right word. plus powerful, intense.
and i smiled because i used the line "no man is an island" in my poem this week!


Oh my gosh, this is incredible. :)

I especially love the closing:
"slowly being taken like a doula's hand in water
soothing a new mother
giving birth to a devil child"

Kodjo Deynoo said...

Bloodied knees indeed bro, you were straight with your words on this one, no hold back, what a piece

Victoria said...

Striking imagery. I felt like I was watching a voodoo ritual or some other sacrificial event.

Claudia said...

ok...i'm guilty...i'm a big lover of foie gras...ha..that sidetracked me a bit..powerful words here anthony and breath-taking imagery..just as we're used from you..

Joseph Hesch said...

Anthony, the images and narrative get more intense all the time. And that's a great thing.

steveroni said...

My mind bounced all over the place as I read this, from Thanksgiving dinner, to the midwife helping another demon to jump into this world and onto another's back.

And WHO could ever not read this after "traveling on all fours with bloodied knees"? Good poem. I'd say, even maybe...d'verse? --grin!

Sheila said...

absoluely phenomenal, Anthony. breast, overfed stomach, spine (-less, might I add ;), dicks too small to pleasure - love that one and the ending sums it up perfectly.

Arron Shilling said...

All the ingredients blend into a mighty fine supper - - V intense indigestion is the best kind - a tasty brew Anthony

Mark Butkus said...

Strong visuals. Like Beachanny I'm thinking Turkey Day. Well done, like Thursday's dinner!

Unknown said...

Amazing write. love the tone, the imagery. Brutal, yet fascinating just the same. Love the symbolic/metaphorical substance to this piece. Thanks

nancy m said...
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nancy m said...

"I've come to realize fucked up flesh
is a blessing in disguise" That's pretty accurate, I'd say.

Wonderful writings, Anthony.

Anonymous said...

whoa! this is a powerful incantation.
I've read it thrice, and there's more here than I understand in that amount of reading.

it's good. the words zing. the images fling.
and I'm just glad I turned vegetarian.

great piece here!

ayala said...

Great images here...by the next soul who speaks gibberish like the born deaf
who begs to speak our language but instead left to self
no man's land is thy island....great lines!

Anonymous said...

Kinda made me glad I'm a vegetarian...tehe.

Seriously, lovely vibrancy from the first word to the last. I especially loved:

"who begs to speak our language but instead left to self"

Amazing, strong poem : )

Anonymous said...

Good work, ADS. At 19, you already have a very firm grip on your poetics. Keep it up. I tracked you here via Railroad Poetry Project (where I, too, am featured). Come and visit me at http://www.airpoetry.com and try your hand at Air Poetry. It's based on overheard conversations (both in person and online). I think you might enjoy it.

Another Man's Dream said...

Mighty intense! i am just spellbound at how the whole thing just comes together, despite so many different images or is it just one?

Unknown said...

Very interesting work here. The images and words capture what a real sacrifice must mean. I am caught wondering, though, whether this is supplication or vengeance, or is that intended? one thing threw me, the "no man's land is thy island." A bit close to no man is an island. The faint echo of that allusion distracted me away from the power of the poem, for a moment at least.

junebjimenez said...

intense imagery!

Miranda said...

Your work is so friggin POWERFUL! Gah, you're awesome. I have nothing intelligent to say, my apologies. Just, gah!

Shashidhar Sharma said...

Its great run with thoughts behind the image and then the ending came as a thunder strike... Liked it a lot... Thanks for sharing..

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
At Twitter @VerseEveryDay

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Oh striking stuff! Brilliant write, so damn powerful!

Anna :o]

Anonymous said...

A whirlwind of apposite imagery and biting commentary; an excellent poem, you never fail to impress.

Anonymous said...

sensual, evocative and strong, Take care which direction you blow those words brother.

emmett wheatfall said...

Very powerful writing. The imagery stunning and vibrant. A complete mind blow and a poetic work of extraordinary abstract art. Your growth is visible.

Unknown said...

Tasty scribe.... visual in its imagery