I gave you the light that revealed the constant stranger
Turned relic to keep my faith from wandering
In the land of waning freedom
Where our daily bread
Is down to crumbs like the bottom of a toaster
Because each slice is devoured by the field talk
Of itchy trigger fingers
These elitist hands play magic tricks
And with each puff of smoke
Another slain nigger disappears into
The magician's hat faster than
The swipes on a fogged mirror
After washing away the blood
Of the innocent and plagued those
Poetically looking for temple
To express themselves
In a world that condemns nudity
Of the spirit so I hide my tears
And let them rain on my innermost thoughts
Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved.
My bread is soaked in the harsh realities of today...how ya like yours? Tell us, for Poetics @dVerse
Yes.. the way that they hide things by sending smokescreens on other issues than reality of life and death.. daily bread is just the crumbs in the bottom of the toaster.. I love that.
That bright light can be misted and fogged down by elitist hands and those temple performers ~ This writing comes from your guts and heart Anthony ~
~ Thanks for sharing your words ~
whew....intense commentary on life....the smoke screen gets a double or triple meaning here...from a cover up, to drugs, to getting killed....when the crumbs of our daily bread are that small, it is tough....
You have given me a different perspective on daily bread, Anthony.
"Where our daily bread / Is down to crumbs like the bottom of a toaster ' - this is a very powerful image, Anthony. It is an integral part of the smoke image and thus of your social commentary.
" In the land of waning freedom
Where our daily bread
Is down to crumbs like the bottom of a toaster "
That was so very powerful - Anthony, your deal realities in poetry so well.
dang it anthony... this is raw and scratchy on the edges... and it feels honest and real - like a good poem should
One of your best, brother, tackling both the prompt & topical dread, your voice is strong & sad, mythical & mad, & I dig the shit out of it. Liked the lines
/after washing away the blood/of the innocent & plagued those/poetically looking for temple/. For we poets, A., I doubt that we would be comfortable in sanctuary, it might stifle our Muses.
strong and sad - this is the time of year to find faith...
So powerful, Anthony. I think I remember that you are from Detroit, where I spent a few years back in the '70's. This immediately conjured up memories of pain and destruction. Still so much need for healing.
Im glad I read this. Something is messed up and I needed to hear your voice of truth and art to help me sort it out. Thanks for this piece, Anthony. Peace, my friend.
Don't hide your tears: let them wail and rail against the killing, the injustice, the lack of bread for so many.
Fantastic and powerful poem Anthony. Bravo!
so much passion in this... the crumbs takes us to the depth of this piece
From the heart. May this poem soon be a curiosity in a world of equality and peace. I pray.
I love the crumbs at the bottom of the toaster. Well done, Anthony!
I like how you have used bread to signify the realities of life. The crumbs at the bottom of the toaster... beautiful! I especially liked how you have used "tears raining on your innermost thoughts"
A very different, bitter take on bread - those four lines say it all, really.
Where our daily bread
Is down to crumbs like the bottom of a toaster
Because each slice is devoured by the field talk
Of itchy trigger fingers
Almost a poem in itself!
In a world that condemns nudity
Of the spirit so I hide my tears
And let them rain on my innermost thoughts
One is given the privilege to decide on issues. Sadness can be a damper but it can work out if one is given enough space. Great take Anthony!
You really took the metaphor of bread to a different, difficult, torn-from-the-headlines-and-torn-from-your-heart place, Anthony! Excellent.
I could feel this piece and the crumbling of the bread as I wonder where is justice in the land of waning freedom. All life is precious. It is hard to hide the tears when you feel them so deeply in your soul.
"In a world that condemns nudity of the spirit..." I love that, Anthony.
so close to reality..it makes one agree to all the things ..beautiful Anthony
damn. powerful. ~
Your thoughts reign here and should elsewhere. Peace to us all, Anthony....
This relevant piece is as much a lamentation as a meditation, I think. You've exposed part of your spirit here, both strong and vulnerable.
So intense....nice flow of words....powerful!!
Really powerful imagery here, starting with the toast crumbs and carrying through to your final lines.
Powerful imagery as all have said, and a poem that wrings my heart. Take care, Anthony. (This is Karin of Manicddaily.wordpress.com) Thanks. k.
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