Monday, September 21, 2015

The Gift of Flowers

A lost love found me, in you
like a lioness with belladonna in her eyes.
Your stare was poison on the tip of a rose
you had me smell that evening and
I fed into the fluidity of your presence,
like the sun chasing shadows
in an open field. 

for d'Verse

click here to follow Glass Staircase


brudberg said...

This is so beautiful, love is a sense of smell, a poison of sorts. A wonderful title also.

X said...

Thank you for all you did at the pub Anthony. It has been fun to watch you grow up in poetry over the last 5 years or so. I hope that the book goes well. I look forward to having a Desmond book in my hands. Ha.

Poison or otherwise, there are somethings/some people that we can not resist chasing into, even if it is ever dangerous.

Grace said...

A beautiful title and I love the sun chasing the shadows in the open field ~

Thanks for all the work and friendship over the years ~ I too will be looking out for your book.

All the best ~

Glenn Buttkus said...

Oh, yeah, it is always cool when your work gets shared big time. Heavy duty little romantic poem giving as a terrific grasp on your scintillating sentences.

Marina Sofia said...

Lovely lighter note to leave us on, although there are shades of sadness in there too - those hints of poison, and the ambiguous nature of belladonna...

tonispencer said...

The lioness with belladonna in her eyes...I think of Victorian women putting belladonna in their eyes to make them more luminous and large not realizing how they were slowly poisoning themselves. sometimes, like in your poem, love is like that poem. A most excellent poem to share with us. You will be missed - your talent, your spirit. It will be wonderful to have a book by you, to say, I know this young man and this is his work. So proud of you and pleased for you. A poem like this one today gives witness to your talent.

Nato said...


Katie Mia Frederick said...

Oh.. best of fortune to you
my friend Anthony.. in the
world in print of poetry..
and here the poison
tip in arrow
eyes of
heArt and spiRit
expresSinG to go alonG
with THAT soUl can tRuly
bE a poison..
i for one
in cross
carrying way..
but yeah.. Now
i visit.. just for
fun.. HaHa! as Human
DisciplinE for ALL the WiN..:)

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I love this...especially the smell that evening and sun chasing shadow lines. Very fluid feel.

Pleasant Street said...

Great feeling in a few lines. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Your title and your whole poet is brilliant and so surreal in its surrealism romantic way.

Beautiful my friend.

My your next journey bring you smiles and joys. :)

P.S Stop by my page. I posted a new poem. You'll love it. It's sci-fi in its weirdness. :)

Victoria Ceretto-Slotto said...

Terse, effective love poem. It's so easy to overdo romantic poetry. This is perfect.

Victoria Ceretto-Slotto said...

Terse, effective love poem. It's so easy to overdo romantic poetry. This is perfect.

Mary said...

A lost love with a poisonous stare has both its pros and cons, I'd say.
I'd tread a bit carefully....but then again, maybe not. Life is composed
of some wild adventures.

a girl or two said...

I'm reading this being about two women, one catching you with the other one. Ouch.

lynn__ said...

Extraordinary lines you leave us with, Anthony. Your presence at dVerse will be missed!

Truedessa said...

First Congrats! Love is a bouquet of flowers and sometimes we get caught up in the heady aroma... Such a romantic poem!

Dark Angel said...

I just wanted to pop by and say "Yay you!" Congrats on being signed. I wish you the best.

Sreeja said...

wow....this is so beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

The smell of love, the faint taint of tragedy

Misky said...

Wonderful. Love this.

De Jackson said...

So much beauty here. I loved the prompt, and wish you well!

Kathy Reed said...

Nice...I agree with Victoria..terse, yet effective...will look for your

vivinfrance said...

You have created a memorable poem with your lines. Great use of metaphor.

Unknown said...

Beautiful. It was fun to dance around your lines for the prompt. Congratulations, you deserve your own book!

Amrit Sinha said...

Your last two lines are pure magic!

grams ramblings said...

The sun chasing shadows - lovely
Just found this after looking at past posts on my blog

Madison said...

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