Tuesday, July 19, 2011


a piano with blood keys
blistering thy fingerprint 
like fire eating wood rings
a pastel tokyo resembling afghanistan
the oblivious disciple ruling over 
knights armoured guards kings queens
day and night
whilst badgers weep 
he spots a poor man - creep
unworthy of bread crumbs  
as if he has no torso 
share thy ribs with twin 
for so he wouldn't be king 

©2011 Anthony Desmond Scott. All Rights Reserved.

this poem is for Open Link Night at Dversepoets

click here to follow Glass Staircase


Brian Miller said...

dude you are a true word bender...thick with imagery and matephor...all in all not much difference between the poor man and the king...but a world apart

Claudia said...

gosh - your words have dynamite power anthony...the piano with blood key
blistering thy fingerprint...awesome

Angelo said...

Cool :-)

Anonymous said...

he spots a poor man - creep
unworthy of bread crumbs
as if he has no torso

The end of these lines caught me by surprise, a powder keg.

Anonymous said...

I agree this is very cool and creative...

Beachanny said...

Thanks for bringing your own "eccentric" voice here to dverse Anthony. I'm sure we'll continue to see each other for a long while to come. Keep leaving blood and fingerprints on the keys of our life. Well done. Gay

Anonymous said...

I enjoy poetry that coerces me to read and reread and then go "ah!" when I get it. This has an almost-biblical twinge to it. Love the photo, too. Victoria

Joanne Young Elliott said...

Intriguing, thought provoking images. I'm going to go think some more.

Dulçe ♥ said...

yes... of course- brothers in brackets... great work

Anonymous said...

a pastel tokyo resembling afghanistan >ayee that's marvellous Anthony. Vivid, evocative imagery pervades this whole piece. Fine work.

Anonymous said...

You are a talented poet Anthony! With each poem you drag me deeper and deeper into your world!

steveroni said...

My brother's keeper? Noooo! Not ME! with you Peeps anchoring this show, it is going to play forever!

Evelyn said...

Wow. this is INTENSE.
great poem.
I love the random word mix. Brave stuff.
but Im not surprised, I've been lurking. your stuff is usually way raw and original.

ayala said...

I love it...a pastel Tokyo resembling Afghanistan...just great and I love the intense feel of this. Great !

signed...bkm said...

the whole piece is a Wow - every line...love the pastel Tokyo and the

unworthy of bread crumbs
as if he has no torso

and the title is perfect - well done Anthony...bkm

Sheila said...

I am speechless.

Unknown said...

I always have such a strong emotional response to your poems. You are gifted.

Unknown said...

Full of burning poetic flavour...

Monika said...

Terrific imagery. So loved it.

Anonymous said...

Lots of 'stop you in your tracks and take your breath away' imagery in this. Very powerful write.


J. Arthur Edward said...

This is hot. I like to write poetry, but it is this that makes me understand the difference between writing a poem and being a poet.

Tashtoo said...

Word bender, word weaver, word master! This is fantastic, Poet!

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Great poem - the first line is wonderful

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Very imaginative. I liked it!
Mad Kane

Unknown said...

cool words from a cool dude ...thanks for sharing